The Women’s Circle, Wellington

Two in-person gatherings to explore the sacred feminine and rewilding the heart

Dates: Saturday 28 June 2025, Saturday 26 July 2025

Time: 9am – 12pm

Host: Kirstie Cleary

Venue: The Home of Compassion, 2 Rhine Street, Island Bay, Wellington



Women hold up half the sky.

-    Chinese Proverb

The Women’s Circle is a gathering for women to explore a wide range of wellbeing teachings and practices that specifically empower, enliven, and nourish women. It’s a gathering of women, for women.

The Women’s Circle is an invitation for you to shift from head to heart thinking and explore powerful ‘feminine’ qualities such as authentic connection, collaboration, intuition, creativity, receptivity, playfulness, and pleasure. These workshops are a sacred space for you to discover what being a woman means to you, and how to embody and express this in your everyday life. It’s a safe place for women to relax, connect with their inner wisdom, be nourished by embodiment practices and ritual, and honour the gifts of their feminine nature.

We live in a world that champions masculine traits of hierarchy, competition, logic, productivity, and predictability. Many women express these masculine traits but suppress their feminine qualities. This imbalance leaves women feeling disconnected, uninspired, and heart-sore. The Women’s Circle is a sanctuary to rebalance, heal, and embrace the fullness of who we are as women.

I provide a deep container of experience for women to explore authentic ways of being and doing that validate who you truly are and how you want to be seen and heard. You’ll receive heart-centred wellbeing teachings, somatic/non-linear embodied practices, creative activities, holistic self-care rituals, quiet time to reflect and deeply rest, and the warm support of a community of open-hearted and inspiring women.



Take your seat in The Women’s Circle

The Women’s Circle is an intimate gathering limited to 14 places.
Each monthly circle follows a similar format but focuses on a different topic of exploration.
You are welcome to attend one or both of the workshops.
No previous experience is necessary.



  • This workshop explores what eastern wisdom teachings call ‘the sacred feminine.’ In a world that privileges a masculine worldview of control, reductionism and separation, the sacred feminine is about reconnecting the opposing forces in ourselves that are meant to co-exist. A woman who embodies the sacred feminine is deeply relaxed in her body and heart. She allows herself to be both powerful and vulnerable, practical and mystical, wild and serene, habitual and unpredictable, active and at rest. A woman who embraces her sacred feminine simultaneously belongs to herself and is connected to all that is.

  • This workshop explores what it means for a woman to embody her soft power. Soft power inspires collaboration versus coercion; it focuses on empowerment and generosity rather than masculine traits of dominance and scarcity. To embody soft power, it can help to be living a ‘soft life.’ Elements of a soft life include less hustle and more spaciousness, not comparing yourself to others, time for important relationships, less consumption, more creativity, and the goodness of daily small pleasures. When we live a soft life, our soft power naturally rises to effect harmonious change and collaboration in our families, communities, and world.

    Take your seat in this circle

Note: Describing energy as masculine or feminine is a useful way to understand the polarities of energy inside us so that we can access the full range of our energetic repertoire. Describing energy as masculine or feminine is not about gender or sexual orientation. Feminine energy isn’t restricted to women. Masculine energy isn’t restricted to men. Every person contains both and needs both.



This is for you if:

  • You want to explore and embody your feminine sovereignty in a safe and supportive space.

  • You feel disconnected from your intuition, creativity, and playfulness, and want to activate and express these qualities in yourself.

  • You want to express more pleasure and power, and know that skilful support can be the difference between faltering and flourishing.

  • You have a vision for a juicier, authentic, more meaningful life and want inspiration and support to catalyse it.

  • You want to shift from head to heart thinking and explore a more feminine way of being in the world.

  • You long to reconnect with your feminine essence and be inspired by other open-hearted women.

  • Circlework

    Wellbeing teachings

    Embodiment practices | somatic & non-linear movement

    Guided meditation | breathwork

    Holistic self-care rituals

    Story telling

    Self-enquiry, reflection, and journaling

    Time for deep rest

    A community of support and inclusion

  • You can attend any number of the workshops and no previous experience is necessary

    Single circle workshop | $105

    Register for both workshops and receive a 10% discount | $189



The Women’s Circle has been such such an empowering experience for me to connect with other like-minded women who are seeking a similar connection.

We arrive as strangers and within a very short amount of time, Kirstie - in so many beautiful ways - facilitates embodiment practices that makes it feel safe to connect deeper with each other … we recognise ourselves in each other. It has been so freeing to connect to other women in this way.




Kirstie embodies the joy and loving presence she teaches about and I’m keen to work with her again.

Rewild Your Heart was the first piece of Kirstie’s work I’ve experienced and I’m keen for more.

She facilitates with a light touch using sense and feeling-based language, emphasising putting learnings into practice.

I felt safe, gently extended, and completely affirmed within her circle.

 The three hours were abundant with new perspectives, luscious sharings, imagery and sensory focus, paired and solo work, smiles, tears, and great cake.




‘A happy woman is a woman relaxed in her body and heart: powerful, unpredictable, deep, potentially wild and destructive, or calm and serene, but always full of life, surrendered to and moved by the great force of her oceanic heart.’

David Deida