A Golden Winter Tonic


This Turmeric Honey Tonic recipe, inspired by Ayurvedic practitioner Cate Stillman, is a wonderful cost-effective winter remedy to help prevent the colds, coughs, and flu that the colder months often bring. An approach of prevention is key to Ayurveda i.e. let’s not get sick in the first place. For this reason, Ayurvedic wisdom encourages us to pay attention to the changing seasons (particularly autumn and spring) and to adjust what we’re eating.

Turmeric and honey are often described as the golden foods of Ayurveda, along with ghee. Turmeric has antiseptic, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory qualities, improves liver and bile function, purifies blood, and strengthens nerves. Turmeric also opens all seven chakras which is why it is put between the eyebrows in the Indian tradition! Honey carries its own goodness and the goodness of whatever ingredients it’s mixed with, to the deeper tissues of the body. The spices in this recipe all have warming qualities and help to secrete phlegm/mucus from the respiratory tract.


The golden goodness of turmeric.

The golden goodness of honey.


Turmeric Honey Tonic


¼ cup toasted turmeric powder*

½ cup raw honey

¼ cup coconut oil

2 tsp black pepper powder

2 tsp ginger powder

½ tsp clove powder (optional)

½ tsp cinnamon powder



Mix all ingredients in a bowl or food processor until combined. Store in a jar on the bench (it doesn’t go off or need to be kept in the fridge). Eat ½ - 1 tsp a day, or as required, and wash down with a little warm water. If you’re worried about the turmeric staining your teeth, you can simply rinse your mouth with some warm water.



Prevents cold and flu, decreases mucus, improves digestion, absorption, and elimination (reduces flatulence, bloating + intestinal mucus), cleans the blood, clears the skin, decreases sugar cravings, decreases inflammation, decreases chronic pain, prevents arthritis & joint inflammation, preventative for cancer & decreases cancer growth.


* Note: Turmeric powder should never be consumed raw because it is hard for the liver to digest (and the liver is often already overworked). To toast turmeric powder, gently stir in a dry frying pan over a low-medium heat until very lightly toasted – 1-3 minutes depending on the quantity. Turmeric powder burns very easily, so stay at the stove while you’re gently toasting it. The powder will go ever-so-slightly darker in colour and you’ll smell the aroma of the oils being released.

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